The whole time I'm here, I have never made Chinese soups. Despite the awesome culinary credentials of my family, I'm the black sheep. But life is such a comedy that my mum's exhortations of "How are you going to cook for your husband if you never learn?" and my excuse of "We can eat out at hawker centers." has only proven her right. What else?

And so thanks to the Internet, I have 'learnt'. By that, I mean look up a recipe online and follow instructions. I'm proud to say that in the last 365 days, I have conjured up a different dish for 300 days. Multiply 2 for lunch and dinner, I have made 600 new dishes. Which also means I haven't memorise any. Why bother when there are so many yummy dishes?

Sorry for meandering. I made Chinese prime stock (上汤) today. It is damn good but such a waste of meat. I used 1/2 lb pork, 1/2lb chicken and 3/4lb chinese ham just to make one bowl of stock. After that the meat has to be tossed out cos all the flavour has seeped into the soup. Such a waste. But I am looking forward to making Hong Kong style wanton soup with the stock tomorrow. My mum would be proud.
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