Kelly (4/2/2008 4:40:17 PM): hop li
Kelly (4/2/2008 4:40:34 PM): restaurant in arcadia for cantonese food which my colleague recommended
iLane (4/2/2008 4:43:21 PM): ooh
iLane (4/2/2008 4:43:31 PM): how come you are getting restaurant recommendations?
Kelly (4/2/2008 4:44:57 PM): i am asking!
iLane (4/2/2008 4:45:24 PM): oh ya, i meant how come you are asking?
iLane (4/2/2008 4:45:36 PM): have i led you into the foodie world?

Kelly (4/2/2008 4:45:38 PM): so, we can have more choices
iLane (4/2/2008 4:45:43 PM): are you becoming a lover of food like i am?
Kelly (4/2/2008 4:45:52 PM): yes, i am becoming a foodie!
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